
The State of the Climate Transition for UK Mortgage Lenders in 2024 

Sign up to the webinar on Tuesday 24th September at 11am and receive a free copy of the report now

Hear from Amy Thomson, Head of Climate Risk and Disclosures at Nationwide, on how they topped our ranking

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Find out how the top 10 lenders are leading the industry on transition planning

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A snapshot of our findings:

  • Only 24% of UK lenders have a climate transition plan in place
  • 93% of survey respondents chose data quality as one of the biggest barriers to climate transition planning
  • Most lenders haven’t figured out how best to quantify the role of external dependencies (especially policy)
  • Action to drive retrofit amongst mortgage customers is slow

Find out how you compare to the top 10 lenders in the UK

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How does Kamma help?

Kamma works with mortgage lenders to drive the built environment to Net Zero. We combine world-leading data collection and address matching with insightful analysis to articulate the fastest and most cost-effective decarbonisation strategies. We ensure regulatory compliance, manage risk, identify green growth opportunities and qualify green assets.

Contact us now to find out more about how Kamma can support your business to manage, de-risk and decarbonise property-related assets.